Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Will Make Me Better?

What's going to make me a better runner?  Several of the athletes on the cross country team that I coach ask this question on a weekly basis.  Should I eat differently?  Should I sleep more?  Should I run more miles?  Should I do more speed work?  How do I get myself up to that next level?  The answer to this one is simple, really.  You are already doing it.  Just by asking yourself the question and giving thought to the answer, you're on your way.  And beyond the stats, the fitness level and the nutrition, and all the other variables is the attitude.  Without a good attitude, there is no reason to put an effort into rest of it.  You might not run a faster time each with each race, but your mind will be stronger and you will want it more and eventually, this will get you there in more ways than one.  If you want to be better, you will.  And it's your attitude that will be behind it all.  All of the girls on my team show up every day with a smile on their face.  So, they're already halfway there.  Now, I'm trying to do the a coach, as a runner and as a person.  Practice what you preach, right?

Listen to this:
Steve McQueen - M83 Steve McQueen - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming.

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